Some people don’t think bricks or rocks can melt. In my opinion everything can melt at a high enough temperature.

This one was found in a pile of fused melted bricks. It took a long time to find these images. I hope to add more to this post. and feel free to share your thoughts and images.

Thank you all for your comments and support!
I love you all!!!
Jon, you are correct. Everything will melt when it gets hot enough. Steel is melted rocks!
However, I stumbled across this interesting “engraving” while looking for Star Cities. https://www.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/detail/RUMSEY~8~1~342180~90110412:Composite–Sheets-A-Z-Stadt-Wien-in?sort=pub_list_no_initialsort%2Cpub_date%2Cpub_list_no%2Cseries_no&qvq=q:star%20city;sort:pub_list_no_initialsort%2Cpub_date%2Cpub_list_no%2Cseries_no;lc:RUMSEY~8~1&mi=0&trs=599
The scale and detail is incredibly accurate when overlayed into Google Earth. Including street view.
One can assume that this was hand drawn?
Talent and skill is off the human ability chart “IMO”.
Here is the big one. This engraving would require a view from about a mile up?
The brick domes in Utah we’re probably storage batteries
Hi Jon, greetings bro. I have tried posting the below message on your latest Youtube video about melted bricks but within 30 seconds my comment is removed. I can’t figure out why this comment would be blocked by the YT algorithm, please read it and see for yourself. All the best from Australia!
Nice video, interesting topic. I’ve seen many HHO welders and cutters in operation in Chinese factories, they have advantages over oxy/acetylene and other welding systems in some applications. The HHO flame on an industrial welder is only around 250 deg C/480 deg F until it comes into contact with solid material, be it metal, wood, brick, etc. It’s not intense heat that causes the HHO flame to cut, weld or melt, the flame is described as imploding rather than exploding. HHO can turn tungsten to liquid, whereas to melt tungsten requires about 3,500 deg C. There are nuclear reactions happening that require further serious research, but HHO is a perceived threat to fossil fuels, so it has been shunned and often ridiculed. HHO is cheap to make, has no toxic emissions, has medical uses, it’s clean and green. This company has good info and a strong range of equipment for medical, industrial and home use: https://hho.company/
I think that prior to the previous great reset it’s likely that societies had built in systems to electrolyse water and produce HHO gas almost everywhere to maintain low concentrations in the air. This would have purified the air and kept the resident populations healthy. Many of their building works incorporated both water and electrical features. Perhaps their HHO systems were used against them and caused much of the building damage we see today. It’s doubtful that all the previous building ‘melt’ and damage was heat-induced, more likely caused by unknown weapons that produce ‘melt’ and other strange effects. Weapons that are still used on us today, ones that cause strange fires and molecular disassociation of materials including metals, timber and masonry. Just as the fossil fuel industry provides dirty energy and hides free energy, the military complex uses dirty weapons and hides the very effective clean ones. Using heat or kinetic weapons to destroy cities is like bashing down the door whereas technologies such as HHO, LENR and DEW are like keys that unlock matter at the nuclear level.
Happy everyday!